Friday, July 9, 2010


A new mix from Jed... "Church: Marilyn Manson's satanic-like performance of "The Dope Show" at the Grammy's several years ago prompted host, Chris Rock, to exclaim, "Go to church, repent!!" Sometimes music - particularly that with a Gospel-flavor - can make you feel as good as humanly possible. Taken to the next level, some people even claim to have had a religious experience through music. This mix, simply titled, "Church," was inspired by those feelings"... July 2010.


Let's Go Crazy - Prince
Church - Lyle Lovett
Shine A Light - The Rolling Stones
Nobody's Fault But Mine - Nina Simone
Jesus Is Just Alright - The Doobie Brothers
Icculus - Phish
Ride Mighty High - Jerry Garcia Band
Amazing Grace - Phish
Knocking On Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan & Tom Petty
Personal Jesus - Johnny Cash
Palm Sunday - Jerry Garcia Band
We Bid You Goodnight - Grateful Dead
Presence Of The Lord - Blind Faith
My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
Kumbaya - Peter, Paul and Mary

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Anonymous said...

I'm glad you chose to include Icculus in this mix. Every version I listen to seems be more absurd than the last. What show is this from?

Scott N.

Meg said...

I didn't make this mix, but judging from the score updates I'd guess 6/22/94... great show.

Anonymous said...

Ben Harper and The Blind Boys of Alabama, There Will Be A Light, is my church.